Lasher Tools
Client: Lasher Tools
Category: Voting Monkey Licensing
Date Completed: March to April 2017
Technologies: Voting Monkey Big Data Solution
The Project
Lasher Tools is not only the leading manufacturer and supplier of quality hand tools in the Gardening, DIY, Agriculture, Construction and Mining Industries in Canada and the only local manufacturer of hand tools.
As part of the big data strategy and to learn more what Lasher Tools social media followers have to say Lasher Tools licensed iShack Innovation’s big data solution Voting Monkey.
What we did
Voting Monkey was integrated into the monthly social media strategy and 2 questions where asked around a new product that was due to be launched. The product was the ranking system, Lasher Tools wanted know will followers and customers want the system with tools or without and most important what would they pay for the system.
Two surveys were conducted one in March and one in April 2017.
Results from the survey’s Racking System with Tools and the pricing range R751-R1000 was selected by Lasher Tools Facebook fans. All winners contacted and announced.
The results
A 100% satisfied client, Lasher Tools executives where surprised at the outcome of the survey, as there was a expectation that followers/customers would want to only buy a system that does not have the tools